Thursday, January 21, 2016

Didn't we have a luvverly day...

January 21st 

Today was annual trip day with the pre-school and as last year we went to Peryair park (Big park) next to the fort in Vellore. We had a brilliant day with the children and their mums and grannies and one dad, and Joseph as our RUHSA man, plus Morgan the boy-racer lunatic RUHSA driver. It was a sticky humid day which had us worn out before we started, but our teachers  and our husbands seemed to manage to find tremendous energy from somewhere. Highlights of the day were the rides on the car roundabout and the train and the fun and games with the parachute. The very best moment which had us hysterical was when Brian, in full sports teacher mode, made Padmini the teacher do five press-ups as a forfeit for having run round the parachute instead of walking. She is such a great sport, game for anything, and in their culture such behaviour by women in particular is pretty much unheard of. But all of the  mums and grannies and children absolutely loved it, and none more so than Rani, the other teacher. What lovely lovely people they are and how fortunate are we to have found staff like this and to have the chance to mix in this community. 

 We're on our way in the RUHSA bus!

Passing a typical vendor with a serious load on his motorbike

Taken of BTC, for Carolyn, as we whizzed by- (more will be taken tomorrow). Very Sleeping Beauty, the lovely grounds and tailoring factory.
 ha ha, 'Two wheeler is for two'! ha ha


Rabbits in a cage at the park, looking better fed and plumper than most animals you see in India

 So  you thought you'd get away without flowers today did you, Pam and Sally? Slightly on the side Sue Pascoe? Does it help make us look any less ridiculous? We get lots of staring and giggles from Indian women as we walk past them. I wonder why?

Family group

This year we were able to buy a ride on the cars, instead of having to push it manually! One little boy cried for ages afterwards as he just wanted to stay on it.

Naturally our three staff had been up early this morning to make just a small picnic lunch for us!! Padmini then started to interrogate Andy about which rice he preferred until I nudged him into saying 'Ooh, all are very lovely'!

Just look how much those children are enjoying the parachute. Heaven knows how Andy, Brian, the teachers and parents coped with standing in full sun at 2 o'clock, let alone the running and press-ups that came later!
 Unfortunately I only have Joseph doing his forfeit press-ups on photo. Andy, Brian and Padmini are on video. See Brian here being the stern sports teacher!
We had such a great day but I will say that all four of the '5 on a bus pass in India' were asleep within twenty minutes of our return to RUHSA, under the whirring fans for a good couple of hours!


  1. Fantastic, so pleased you four made it happen again. The group photo is fantastic, any chance to get copies of a small one printed locally to give the children one each when you say goodbye? (Cheeky!). The parachute is such a success, brilliliant idea Sally, can't remember forfeits being mentioned on the list of games.What has Brian started?! Three different rice has become a ritual for the picnic now then?

  2. A lovely happy day for you all-no let up tho!
